REM, INXS, and Wedding songs

amanda catton-johnson ([email protected])
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 15:48:01 PST

Hello WIRE. I am a mutual fan of both REM AND INXS. I was incredibly
saddened by Michael Hutchence's death, as well as many of you were. I
remember writing a post on WIRE sharing my grief. I am happy to hear
there will be one last cd from the beautiful and brilliant man. I miss
him. I have liked REM though, for as long as I can remember liking U2
(which is almost birth). They are two bands I grew up on and knew by
heart as a child. By heart still belongs to these three bands,
especially U2.
As for the wedding songs idea, I have always wanted "Shadows And Tall
Trees" as a song to be played at my wedding. This may seem odd to most
of you, but the first song I remember by U2 when I was about 2 was
Shadows and Tall Trees (SATT - any coincidence there?). And marriage
being one of those rites of passage away from childhood, I would like to
remember this song.

That is my post for a while. :) Don't have much to comment. :)

I believe in U2


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