Re: Upcoming album (Rambling Reflection)

Katrina Daniels ([email protected])
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:14:21 -0600

>Maybe it won't be until 2000,2001,200-. Maybe it's their final record.

Bite your tongue, Alfred! Yeesh! I hope you had your fingers crossed when
you said that.

>Maybe they just want to go out in style. Maybe U2 doesn't even exist.
>Maybe they're just a result of a sad dream that we've all been having.

I don't know about you guys and gals, but if U2 is just a dream, then I
kind of think of it as one helluva *good* dream -- definitely not sad.

>Maybe we just have to dare to BELIEVE...because we need.

I Want To Believe.

Kat <-- taking a quick breather from student teaching. *gasp*

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