Still haven't found...

lucilla zaidenberg ([email protected])
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 07:04:16 PST

But I seem to have found what I wasn't looking for... Yesterday I went
hunting for a U2 book, *any* U2 book, and went as far as Tel Aviv, to
Tower Records... The guy's answer was "no, and there's no use placing an
order too, they (they who?) send us what they want..." So in complete
*frustration* I went roaming all the used book stores in Allenby
street... I found a new one, and the owners were still unpacking some
cardboard boxes. I went in and the first thing I saw was an old Holy
Bible in English, printed in 1901... I have a Bible in Portugese, and
one in Hebrew, but this is my first one in English... I hope it brings
me some kind of blessing...
All my love,

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