Philly Area Wirelings

Rose L. ([email protected])
Sat, 23 Jan 1999 10:23:43 PST

I'm gonna be in Philly for Spring Break and I just wondered if any of
you out there could be nice and tell me where I can get cool U2 stuff
there. I know it's early, but I gotta start getting things together. If
there's anything cool going on, please keep me in mind.

Just a little cry for help admist a barrage of editing mistakes caught
by some very observant people... Personally, I've never watched any show
that closely! I guess my eyes are just *glued* to one particular part of
the screen the whole time... and when he's not on screen, that's
probably when I blink. If there's nothing wrong with Bono's face,
chances are I won't catch it.

Have a great U2 day! Philly Wirelings, please help me out.


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