Re: U2 and Pinochet? Please help ASAP!

The Man Machine ([email protected])
22 Jan 99 09:30:30 EDT

>From: Timothy McIntyre <[email protected]>;
> Okay, I've got a class in 45 minutes where we're going to discuss >Spain's
> efforts to extradite Pinochet... can anyone please post the details on
> U2's involvement with this? I'd like to be able to have my facts >straight
> so I can mention U2 in class...
> 1. Where did U2 do the Mothers of the Disappeared PopMart? Buenos Aires?
> 2. Didn't the local Parliament protest for the Disappeareds after that
> PopMart show was televised live, creating momentum to get Pinochet?
> Please post any info to the list if you have it! Thanks!
> cheers
> Tim

Hello Tim.
1. Yes, the did the show in Buenos Aires.
2. Hmm, "Argentina = disappeared children" and "Chile = Pinochet". They have
no relation to each other.
Hope that was useful.

The Man Machine
UIN: 12449637

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