Matt McGee ([email protected])
Fri, 22 Jan 1999 00:02:21 -0800
This topic came up on Wire about 3-4 years ago (and maybe again since then)
and I saved one of the posts from that original thread. Don't know why -
just found it interesting.
I wish I knew who posted this, but I don't. Maybe the author is still on
Wire and wants to take credit for this?
Here goes. Enjoy!
Edge did admit in a interview that they recorded the intro part to
Watchtower later in a studio, but said that the rest of it is live as it
happened. This is a certain stretch of the truth. Having copies (albeit
bad copies) of some of the outtake video for Rattle & Hum, there are many
instances where what you see or hear wasn't exactly what happened.
1. The Sunday Bloody Sunday speech--Bono actually said "13" people instead
of the proper "11 people lie dead..." This is a proper use of editing and
redubbing, though, as the lasting document should tell the truth.
2. the Silver and Gold speech -- Of all the examples of editing, this one
is the most detrimental to the band and their image. Most of my friends
(and the reviewers) really took Bono to task for this soapbox speech. In
fact, I think it was Rolling Stone who started the famed backlash by saying
Bono took himself too seriously. Which is ironic because of what was
edited out. After the "Am I Buggin' ya part," Bono adds, "This problem
isn't complicated. It's not black or white, its green, the color of money.
That's what brought them to that country, and that's what'll get them out.
(pause) Had enough of a Rock star who takes himself too seriously? Okay
Edge, play the blues!" Boy, they should have left that in.
3. The Star-Spangled Banner in the movie is the tape of Jimi Hendrix
playing it at Woodstock. There were some shows where Edge attempted to
play it, but it's unsure whether Edge attempted it at Tempe for the movie.
4. Close viewers of the movie will note that Bad is mixed (visuals at
least) from the two different nights in Denver. If you hadn't noticed,
look especially at the part where the shutter speed changes, and look at
Bono's clothing, i.e. a shirt tied to his waist one night, and not the
other, if I remember right.
5. The practice session in Harlem with the choir is mixed, visually and
audio, from a couple takes.
6. During the R&H album version of I Still Haven't Found..., an error was
corrected where Bono comes in half a bar early. You can still hear it if
you listen to the background closely. The part of which I speak is when
the choir is singing, and Bono comes in with "I Believe..."
7. Where the Streets Have No Name was edited from two nights...Look at
Edge's guitar from scene to scene...he would be playing an all black Strat
in one sequence and be playing a black Strat with a white pick guard in the
Matt McGee / [email protected]
@U2 Web Page Curator
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