lucilla zaidenberg ([email protected])
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 07:01:05 PST
Wire people are talking about This U2/Oasis/Bono and Liam Photo and
all... I agree with everyone when they say (in bolder words than I'm
willing to) that, well, Liam's attitude is *very* different from U2's,
and that I *don't* agree with it *at all*... Yes, I saw the photo is
question and decidedly didn't like it, and was really pissed at Bono's
decision to do it, but then I had another of my dreams: In the dream I
knew Bono was in town and decided to go say hallo, as if I was a
personal friend or something... I took with me some flowers, but when I
got to the door of the restaurant he was supposed to be in, I was
surprised to be turned away by the hostess... I explained who I was, and
that Bono was waiting for me, but his body guard made clear Bono didn't
want to see me... I left the flowers with them, and later learned Bono
didn't accept the flowers either. It took a good few weeks for Bono to
return to my dreams, only after I did some real attonement in Yom Kippur
(I cried a lot this year)... I'll never judge Bono again. He wants to
work with Oasis? Well, I trust he knows what he's doing...
All my love,
We are not the message, we're the messengers. The message is love.
Wim Wenders
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