Re: Swastika

Snoop U2 ([email protected])
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 16:17:38 EST

>(here's a symbol Adolf Hitler stole from the USA Girl Scouts....we're
>stealin' it back)
>That's right, in the early 1900's, the USA Girl Scouts used the
>on their flags and as patches for uniforms.
>Go to an old section of an urban U.S. area, and check out the tops of
>buildings. Chances are you'll see swastikas. It was an ornate
>embellishment used frequently in American architecture and >design.But
>It used to be a symbol of "good luck."
>Scoundrels abrogating an identity. It's despicable.

   Didn't anyone here take world religions? I think the origin of the
swastika is from Hinduism. Hinduism is, supposedly, the oldest religion
in the world which is still alive today. So, it probably pre-dates the
American buildings, Girl Scouts and maybe even the Native Americans.
   It's a symbol for "well-being" and it also can represent the 4 stages
of life and the cycle of samara (or better known as reincarnation).
   Odd.. I can't imagine the Girl Scouts using it though.. hmmm...

    Anyways, visit this excellent page and it will tell you a lot about
the history:


"O lijepa, O draga, O slatka slobodo"
        - Bono (Miss Sarajevo)

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