U2 in Cosmo

Nikki ! ([email protected])
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 22:08:35 PST

Last night, I was flippin' through the March 1998 issue of Cosmopolitan
magazine, rippin' out pictures for a project, and I ran across this
little article:

* * * * *

Cosmo readers reveal the moment he went from maybe-so to Romeo.

One of 'em read:

"One afternoon, I was lying down and reading. My boyfriend, Jon, put on
U2's 'All I Want Is You' and put his head down on my stomach and started
singing to me. My heart just melted."
     -Stacy, 27, teacher

* * * * *

How bitchin' is that?
Not neccessarily 'cause it's sweet and romantic....
Just 'cause it mentions U2 U2 *U2*!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHH! LOL, nah, just
kiddin'! Well...kinda. It certainly is sweet and romantic.
But.....that's not what caught my attention (duh). ;)


P.S. I heard U2 on the radio *3* times today. Aaaaaall right! :)

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