Bono's Lyrics, U2 Books...

lucilla zaidenberg ([email protected])
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 06:12:21 PST

(sigh) I loved Robbie's remarks about Bono's lyrics and, (sigh) I came
to the conclusion that I just *have* to read at least one U2 book, I
guess, if I want to continue to think of myself as a real U2 fan... The
problem is, I don't think any of them (and from what I read on "wire" I
could start a new shelf in my book cabinet composed *only* of U2 books)
was ever released in Israel, or I would have seen it... (the shopkeepers
in the bookstores here in Yavne/Rehovot almost know me by name...)
Import prices??? It sounds so "salty"... (sigh). And what about the
Israeli wirelings I keep hearing about? Anyone seen a U2 book around?
Anyone to sell/lend me one or two? (I think I'm gonna cry...) Please
e-mail me privetly. Robbie, any suggestions? All the other wirelings??
And about Bono's writings... I heard Bono is to add his own comments to
a new edition of the book of psalms... (It's an idea from a young
American publisher, to ask famous people to comment on the scriptures).
How do I get my hands on one of these? And I heard some schollars
yesterday on channel 8 (science and knowledge channel) talking about a
gospel written by St Maria Magdalene... How can I get my Hands on *this
one*??? Never mind Jewish/Cristian... When it comes down to books, I
read *everything* within my reach. In fact, there's only one thing in
the world I'm as passionate about as I am about U2,(besides singing, and
pastel painting, and writing...) and it's *BOOKS*... Any ideas,
All my love,

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