zoo baby ([email protected])
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 05:41:15 PST
OK I'm just gonna mention this one thing about the whole debate.
If it is indeed true that U2 is the one 'thing' that most people
associate with Dublin, then why is it that most articles about U2 will
"The Irish band U2....."
"Bono, lead singer of Irish band U2, bla bla bla"
<enter in here a million variations on this theme all with the
obligatory mention of Ireland or being Irish>
Really - if EVERYONE just automatically associates U2 with Dublin, then
why in the world would magazines/newspapers/TV/etc feel the need to
mention the "Irish" bit? Shouldn't people already know this (what with
U2 being instantly associated with Dublin - and *everyone* in the whole
world knows Dublin is in Ireland)?
As a fan it drives me nuts, but it's a fact of life. Lots of people
have no idea about U2, let alone thinking of them when Dublin (or even
Ireland) is mentioned. In fact I think most people wouldn't be clued in
by the "Ireland" mention anyway. I guess it just gives the reader a
geographical point of reference :)
Anyway have fun everyone.
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