Re: WTD: Time magazine April 27,1987

Matt McGee ([email protected])
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:17:56 -0800

Jessica wrote:
>After searching for the Time magazine with Rock's Hottest Ticket on it I
>have come to the conclusion that it is hopeless. If anyone out there is
>willing to sell their copy that is in ok quality then please let me know.
>Thanks to whom ever can help me out.

Jessica --

Can't help you get an issue per se, but if you're familiar with eBay, there
seems to be one of these issues available every month or so. Of course, as
is always the case with eBay, Buyer Beware. Be careful who you buy from.

On a similar note, I called Time's Customer Service last week and the folks
in the Back Orders dept. told me that this issue is (still) unavailable.

Good luck!

Matt McGee / [email protected]
@U2 Web Page Curator

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