The missing mp3's

Michael ([email protected])
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:50:40 -0500

Hello everybody, this is Prufrock. Some people have posted about the U2
mp3 sites missing a lot of their mp3's. As one of the people who has a
U2 mp3 site, I can tell you exactly what the problem is. There are
virtually no free, fast, and mp3-friendly servers out there. The main
free servers are Geocities, Tripod, Webjump, Xoom, and TheGlobe.
Geocities, Xoom, and Webjump have publicly stated that they do not want
people to put mp3's on their servers. However, one can use alternate
file extensions "mpx, bin, mid, zip, etc." to try to fool the people who
run these free servers into thinking that they are not mp3's. However,
files which are between 3 MB - 7 MB are generally pretty suspicious.

Now I have not had any trouble with Tripod or TheGlobe saying that they
do not want mp3's on their servers, however these free servers presently
have no bandwidth, with Tripod having virtually none. Right now, it
seems the best alternative is TheGlobe, which does have a little
bandwidth, but only gives 6 MB per server, which is only good for 2
small mp3's or 1 normal one. Recently I had most of my Geocities servers
cancelled on me, and now I only have 2 Geocities servers left, which
host the 9 mp3's I have left on my page. The Tripod servers are
worthless right now, hopefully Tripod will get it's act together soon.
Webjump is the most attractive free server, with 25 MB of free space and
alleged "unlimited bandwidth". What a joke that last part turned out to

Right now I am beginning to get tired of having to look for reliable,
free, fast, and spacious servers to host my mp3's. I wanted my page to
be an archive of all the available early demos, live versions of songs
for which no live versions have been officially released, and various
studio outtakes and such. However, this is getting very difficult to do.
I do not want to have an mp3 of the week page, because soon I will be
home from college and uploading mp3's on a 33.6 Kbps connection is not
fun, whereas with college Ethernet it only takes me 10 seconds.

I will try to get all of the mp3's I had before up plus (maybe) some new
ones before I graduate. I ask the people who want these mp3's to
download them as quickly as possible when they are available, and then
share them with as many people as possible so that every U2 fan can have
access to the songs.

Who knows? Maybe in the future I will have a server of my own and a fast
connection so I don't have to worry about all of this.


Email me at [email protected]

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