U2 stickers! Get yours! Will likely stop selling them online at the end of June!
Souk & Shary ([email protected])
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 19:13:11 -0800
There are only about 150 each of the most popular ones left that are still unclaimed. So, ORDER*
your's before they're all gone. There will be no more reprints! BTW, the themes are hearts so get a
friend an IGWSHA Design for Valentines Day and a Claddagh heart for St. Patricks day! (Please- no
flames about the true religious significance of Mar 17.) It's just a quaint idea... : ) Shary
ORDER* as in email me of your intent to get some so I can RESERVE yours for you till you send
payment. (I will only wait so long though for your payment. Right now, 4 months is the limit.)
I heart U2 : )
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