Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 12:20:58 -0800
Aaaah, I'm sure Bono won't kill Gavin :) Though, come to think of it
he could be a trifle peeved with Gavin broadcasting all over the
place that drunks in Irish pubs have been know to call him a
"fuckin' midget" to his face ;)
> 2. pratt changed quote
So, ~E should of checked *my* post of the interview first :)
> 3. pratt forgets that Bono has brilliant memory, will remember
> what really happened, therefore pratt makes idiot of
> him/herself (and fans in general).
I think we have to accept that's already been accomplished
by thousands and thousands of fans over the past 20 years :]
> 4. if Bono rushes into studio without talking to fans anymore,
> which he won't, but's pratts fault.
Aaaah, naw, it won't happen:) Bono loves to talk to people.
He has the patience of an experienced father in dealing
with fans when the excitment causes them to revert to
being 3 year olds and talking baby talk :]
> Have any of you read the article? (thanks again typist!)
Your welcome. I didn't post it to Wire because it's and interview
with Gavin and Pat McCabe. It's also in 6 'effin parts and my
fingers took a week to recover from the typing :p
The article is a great long interview with nice photos in
the Christmas/New Years special edition of Hot Press.
> I'm sorry, Pratt might be a really nice person, but only on
> meeting Bono, suddenly turning into a lying, two-tongued sadist.
> What on earth went on in your head?
Oh, be kind, dearie.
Most's fans head's go totally blank when meeting the man.
If they can get it together enough to say anything,
it's uaually something they kick themselves for saying,
later :)
> Pleased I got a sense of humor. 'He's SO dead'...THAT's funny.
I think when they asked Bono what U2 were doing inside the studio,
his telling them they were knitting was pretty good, too :)
> Enjoyed the rest of your report. Thanks a lot. ;-)
> Love,
> Buster Glockenspiel.
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