an alternate theory to poptician's?
[email protected]
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 13:33:07 EST
my fellow wire subscribers,
this is my first posting even though i've been on wire for a little while....
i just thought i'd drop a little tidbit in amongst the poptician prediction
uproar. my best friend heard a tidbit on a chicago radio station concerning an
interview with bono and u2's upcoming plans. bono said that as of now, the
band is on hiatus....adam and larry are working on a soundtrack for an
independent film.....but, new songs are being written. bono said that the
band's plan, once they get back into "u2 mode", is to crank out at least 3 or
4 albums, in a set period of time. i'll try to ask my buddy for all the
details, but he's not around at the time of this post. so, i'll have to write
more later.....until then, rara
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