re: little brother vs. big brother

khufu ([email protected])
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 10:31:48 -0500

> FUCK YOU DAR for this post!!! that was TOTALLY out of
> fucking line U bastard! Why do U have to be such a shit
> towards people? Have some courtesy.
> n

so did your mother teach you how to reply in such a courteous
constructive manner, using low class gutter language, or did
you manage to learn that all by yourself?

> you really are a prick for writing that post, I have to agree
> get a life, and grow up....
> l l

apparently there are some big brothers out there
ready to beat up on anyone, who in their opinion,
gets out of "" line".

> P.S. Ok, I love Elena Espinoza's posts, but that
> satire (?) some subscriber, probably using an alias,
> posted was really funny.
> r r

the parody was funny, at least for those who have a
sense of humor and aren't nasty and uptight from maybe
perhaps having recently sat on a stick.

glad bono has a sense of humor, would he have laughed?
i bet yes.

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