Re:this is my new concert videos mailing list...

[email protected]
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 01:00:18 EST

Just wanting to let everyone know that TradinCardz has had several negative
"bad trader" posts on other newsgroups. I subbed this person to my trading
list Zoostation on onelist and was promptly asked to unsub this person for
'bad trading" reasons. I saw multiple negative posts on various lists which
prompted me to unsub this person. I personally have not traded with this
person so I cant say myself that this person is a bad trader Im just saying
please just be careful and RELAYING INFO (2 words that need to be capitalized)

relaying info...I am JUST relaying info...
relaying info...just relaying info...have I said that I am relaying info?

relaying info...

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