Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 21:52:33 -0800
Maybe Edge just felt like doing it again, after all, they both are
the same guy playing and they're both pieces of music he wrote.
It's not like he's overusing it. Not many people have heard the
Captive soundtrack
> hm.. hmmm.... and hmmm again.
> just played the pieces in question. my opinion? fluke / coincidence.
> they are similar (well spotted - the captive soundtrack isnt exactly
> well known.. top marks there matey)..
> but in conclusion, i think its just fluke.
> >I've noticed a similar connection with the organ parts from "Doctor
> Doctor" showing up in
> >the live version of NASOTR from the Omagh Late Late Show. Are there
> any other
> >connections like these that I may have missed?
> dunno about this bit though - Doctor Doctor from the AB outtakes?
> .. or are you referring to another song?
Same thing again, the Edge is playing on all these pieces of music
and if your obsessive enough to listen to every obscure tape of
U2 over and over again, your going to start spotting little
"Edgeisms" all over the place :)
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