Adrian Aaron ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 14:52:50 -0600
Take for example the Indians use of tabacco and marijuana. It was used
for spiritual and ceremonial purposes, yet someone did not understand
what that stuff did so it was labeled evil. The Nazi's use of the
swastika (did I spell it right) did not come from the Nazi. It came
from the U.S. in the late part of the 19th century ranchers used this
insignia. I was almost as common as a horseshoe hanging over a
doorway. Yet, it is associated with the Nazis so it is bad. Don't get
me wrong, I do not like crusification or the Nazis.
Why Bono used it in Helter Skelter? Well, maybe it was for dramatic
purposes. He is singing a song that for may has an evil connotation.
So hold an inverted cross made what he was singing even more dramatic.
I am not offended by what he did.
Sorry to sound like a history teacher. I would like to say that topics
such as these are good to talk about. One can have so many intellegent
and mature debate about topics such as these. It is important to
respect other beliefs and opinions. Thank you to who ever asked this
question and thank you to those who participate in these intelligent and
mature debates. Thanks and God Bless. -----Adrian
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