Irish internet wizardry

Timothy McIntyre ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 12:20:46 -0800 (PST)

Saw this article this morning on and thought I'd pass it

still amazed that U2 doesn't have a proper homepage yet,

                     Teen Devises New Crypto Cipher
                     by Niall McKay
                     3:00 a.m. 14.Jan.99.PST

                     An Irish teenager has invented a new
                     data-encryption technology with the potential to
                     be just as secure -- but 22 times faster -- than
                     the battle-tested RSA encryption algorithm.

                     Sarah Flannery, 16, got the idea for the
                     algorithm during a two-week work-experience
                     program at the Dublin, Ireland-based
                     data-security company Baltimore Technologies.

                     "The idea is to exploit matrices-based
                     multiplication, which is a shorter and simpler
                     approach than the RSA technique," said Sarah.

                     US encryption experts view the pronouncement
                     of equal security with some skepticism.

                     "It's really exciting that a 16-year-old has
                     developed any encryption technology, good or
                     bad," said Dave Del Torto, executive director of
                     CryptoRights Foundation. "But we need more
                     information about the algorithm, and for any
                     encryption to be taken seriously, it takes years
                     of analysis and public review."

                     Sarah's new algorithm has won her first place in
                     Ireland's prestigious Young Scientists
                     competition. She has become a darling of the
                     international media, featured on the front page of
                     The Times of London and on ABC News.

                     "It's just being crazy," she said. "I don't know
                     where I am. I have done over 100 interviews, and
                     I have to go back to school Thursday."

                     That will be no ordinary school day for Sarah
                     and students at Scoil Mhuire in Blarney, County
                     Cork. Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern is
                     scheduled to drop by Thursday to present an
                     award to Sarah and her classmate Vincent
                     Foley, another Young Scientist winner who
                     devised a way to remove the blocky effect in
                     enlarged digitized images.

                     Despite many offers of employment and
                     university scholarships, Sarah said she'll
                     concentrate on graduation first. She also plans
                     to publish her encryption technology, called the
                     Cayley-Purser algorithm.

                     "I named it after the 19th century Cambridge
                     expert on matrices, Arthur Cayley, and
                     Baltimore's founder, Michael Purser, who gave
                     me the original idea," she explained.


Timothy McIntyre
Boston University School of Law

[email protected]

"The writer never seeks admiration.
    He wants to be believed."
                             --Jean LeCocteau

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