Re: Re: Satanism (inverted cross)

J ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 11:09:22 -0800 (PST)

> I somewhat agree with what J said, in that he probably was messing
> around with a satanic symbol. Guys!! THINK of what that song is
> most closely associated with - and what Bono himself mentioned in his
> first words of the film - Charles Manson.

Actually Bono wore the inverted cross throughout the whole concert and
I think it was in "Bad" when he was holding it, or correct me if I am
wrong. But I think this argument is quite useless because we don't
really have a closer look of what he was wearing. Maybe it wasn't
really an inverted cross but something else at a closer look.

> And I certainly don't think Bono was "promoting" satanism nor was he
> using it to "sell" (which is where I fully disagree with J). There's
> this little phrase that goes: MOCK THY DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM

Now I'd still stick to my point here. The devil is more marketable
than God. I don't think ZOO TV would be as appealing is Bono palyed
Mr. God instead of Mr. Macphisto. So obviously Mcphisto was used to
market and sell ZOO TV, in the same way that the TV Screens, teh Fly
persona, and teh Achtung songs were used for the same purpose. But
I'm pretty sure Bono never promoted Satanism and I never said he did.



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