Nemesis ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 11:32:30 +0000
Also there's Avalon House, which looks kinda neat, but Ive never actually
been in there, so I couldnt really say anything about it...
As to the Kitchen, as long as youre blonde, female and foreign, it doesnt
matter what you wear, but if this is too much of a risk to take, I think
youre better off just wearing anything except for sneakers... (but I do
think even theyre standards are lowered these days...). Just avoid the
Personally, Id rather go to RiRa or the POD, which are actually a lot more
entertaining... Entrance for most of them vary from �5 to �7, dependant on
the night of the week and who's playing. Pay attention to the posters
around town, coz you might suddenly discover HowieB is playing, who is
always good for a stellar gig...
You can get good and cheap food at the Film Centre, which is @ 6 Eustace
Street in Temple Bar. (Look, and thou will find). There's also a good food
place right on Temple Bar Square, called Aursomething (Aurora?). The
entrance is right beside the bankmachine on Temple Bar Square. It looks
kinda expensive, but they do Early Birds for about �10, which are really
worth the money. Avoid Eddie Rockets. Avoid McDonalds. Avoid Burger King.
Avoid Captain America. Avoid Bewleys. Avoid God-aspiring-dwarves, with
light shining from their bums. Avoid Grafton Street on Saturdays during the
summer. Avoid pickpockets. Avoid dark alleys after all light has vanished
from the sky. Avoid the Northside. Avoid the River Liffey when drunk (it
kills). Avoid American Tourists. Avoid Spanish Language Students.
Alright, this post is long enough as it is. There's still loads of good
things to do in Dublin, thought the "what" escapes me now ;-)
Yours Faithfully (*barf*)
"In the name of reason,
In the name of hope,
In the name of religion,
In the name of dope"
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