The Season of the Trolls

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 01:04:01 -0800

After reading all the U2 Sucks Site thread and
the End of the World thread and the Satanism
thread, I'm thinking we've entered the freakizoid
season on Wire again.
It happens pretty often between the end of a
tour and the appearance of a new album.
I remember from my ancient pre-Pop lurker days.
The requirement of subscribing to Wire to post
dosen't totally keep out the trolls :(
Of course, Poptician, Lil Chris and some of the
others might really be alias' of the U2 Sucks
site guy ;). This is too bad because we have
enough whacko Wire members that really are
fans without needing to import strange posters :p
Of course, maybe J's off his medication and jerkin'
our chain ;) Hi, J. <waving>

Be prepared for more stupid rumors and strange posts
as the year progresses.
BeLIEve nothing!


P.S. Ok, I love Elena Espinoza's posts, but that
satire (?) some subscriber, probably using an alias,
posted was really funny.
I nearly fell over when I read it. It was kind
of tacky to put it up as a reply, though.
Was that you J? That one, and the End of the World
post was the sort of thing you'd get up to. I know
you hid yer medication, now *take it* and *right now*!
I don't think the U2 Sucks site or the Satanism
thread guys have enough brains to do that.
It had to be you, you litte cutie you :p

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