Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 01:04:01 -0800
Be prepared for more stupid rumors and strange posts
as the year progresses.
BeLIEve nothing!
P.S. Ok, I love Elena Espinoza's posts, but that
satire (?) some subscriber, probably using an alias,
posted was really funny.
I nearly fell over when I read it. It was kind
of tacky to put it up as a reply, though.
Was that you J? That one, and the End of the World
post was the sort of thing you'd get up to. I know
you hid yer medication, now *take it* and *right now*!
I don't think the U2 Sucks site or the Satanism
thread guys have enough brains to do that.
It had to be you, you litte cutie you :p
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