Manderin Yusishen ([email protected])
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:27:03 PST
Well george, as much as i know, the song has never been preformed live..
in fact it was writing in one day because the band heard that Cash would
be in the area.. (someone correct me if i am wrong)
would love to hear it live..:) would be interesting weither bono sings
it or not..:)
-=I'm not frightened of DYING, anytime will do, I DON'T MIND=-
oh and to that girl posting about satanic msg.. there is not satanic msg
in Strawberry feilds, or any other beatles song for that mattter, the
only "hidden" msg in strawberry is john chating "Cranberry Sauce" at the
very end.. ppl tended to beLIEve he was saying "i burried paul" but..
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