Lil Chris ([email protected])
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 14:18:10 -0800 (PST)
This (if it's a true) is a frigging COP OUT! If it is true, U2 really
have sold out by re-releasing JT. I always thought U2 had the
balls...sorry...I always KNEW U2 had the balls to do what wasn't
expected, to say 'fuck off' to all the shit that's happened in the
past 9 years of the 90's and produce an amazing album that people will
remember in the same way as AB or JT.
If this is all true, it makes me so VERY, VERY sad. Sure, they were
always gonna break up, they can't go on forever, no one does. While
the fact about them breaking up the group is very sad and I write this
with tears in my eyes, it is so much sadder to leave the music world
by copping out and re-releasing an album and only throwing a few more
tracks onto it.
Please guys, if you read this at all, Bono, Adam, Larry and Edge,
PLEASE don't screw up something that could be so, so glorious.
A very, very sad Dave
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