U2 sucks..end of the world..blah blah

Sharon Winsatt ([email protected])
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 09:51:48 PST

Concerning the U2 sucks page...have never been there and I'm not going
there. I gather from comments made here that colorful language has been
used and insults hurled about in defense of U2. That's a great way to
win friends and influence people...and convert fans.
 If someone around me doesn't care for U2 I just leave it and say
nothing unless of course they relay some kind of glaring error that I
correct but other than that I just 'walk away..." Btw..how many 'hate
U2' sites are out there? The Spice Girls..Hanson have quite a few..does
U2 only have the one? We have to get out there and irritate more

U2 breaking up. Very interesting...don't you think we would have heard
about this on MTV news or E! or on DC101 or some other media by now????
Don't you think they would have a statement in Propaganda or at least a
press release???? I cannot for the life of me see Bono apologising for
'Achtung Baby'...

                      Sharon W.

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