Lilith ([email protected])
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 10:16:38 -0500
Wow, J, you sure are a compendium of hoary old rock cliches....
<<Madonna once said that she wears a crucifix because she likes the idea
of a "naked man rubbing her chest." >>
Hmm, strange - on all the crucifixes I have seen Jesus is usually tastefully
attired in a loincloth. And I am not sure what the above remark has to do
with Satanism, a philosophy that Madonna, for all her past attempts to be
"shocking" never espoused.
<<Some people have said that KISS means Knight's In Satan's Service. >>
Jeez, I haven't heard that one since I was in high school - and that was
when KISS were _first_ big!
<<The Eagles' "Hotel California" is a song about the Satanic church.
Yet, their album of the same name was one of the best-selling albums
of all time. >>
No it's not you idiot - it is about the Sixties - or rather the
disillusionment that followed the Sixties, as well as the shallowness of
life in California in the Seventies. I can't avoid knowing what this song
was about, I have several friends who are big Eagles fans who were only too
happy to lecture me at length about it.
<<Led Zeppelin's "Stairway To Heaven" has a satanic meanings in it. I think
it was this song that had a whole verse praising Satan when
played backmasked. >>
Oh, _God_. "Stairway to Heaven" contains references to fairies and elves,
not Satan and his minions. "Backward masking" is a myth - at least where
that song and as far as I know any Led Zeppelin song is concerned. Besides,
when you hear a song played backwards your brain _doesn't_ translate it the
right way round for you; you just hear it backwards.
<<U2 have at one point or another covered Led Zeppelin's songs in snippet
form. >>
So what is that supposed to mean - that U2 are "using Satanic imagery to
sell records"? Please, give me a break - why would they bother when they
have made so much more money using _Christian_ references?
<<Even the Beatles had some Satanic messages in come songs played
backmasked (I think "Strawberry Fields Forever"). >>
Sigh. No they didn't, and see my comments above.
<<Well, I could go on and on. My point is that Satanism sells. U2
don't just want to write great music. They also want to sell because
that's their job. So I would not be surprised at Bono wearing the
inverted cross and playing around with it during the concert in R&H.
Most Christian religions have accepted the inverted cross as a Satanic
symbol, no question about that. >>
J states in his usual sweeping generalized way. See my remarks above on the
absurdity of U2 using Satanic imagery to sell records... And the "inverted
cross" is not a symbol of Satanism - the _inverted crucifix_ is; the
inverted _cross_ is a symbol of Saint Peter, who was crucified upside down.
(The things one learns from watching "the X-Files.")
************Hell's Half Acre***************
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