Karine Maucourt ([email protected])
Wed, 13 Jan 1999 13:54 +0100 (MET)
As it's possible some others wirelings (newbies?) can wonder about
this too, i also post it publicly.
There are 2 ways to receive Wire messages : the digest form when you
receive the messages once a day and the reflector form when you receive the
messages as soon as they're posted. You're always on the digest form when
you're a new subscriber and it lasts during 6 months. After that time, you
can choose to be on the reflector form if you want. I'm personally on the
digest form because it's easier to read it for me but i can also read the
messages on the Wire archives in real time (i mean, as in the reflector
form). So, i can also reply immediately to a new message by this way.
Hope this helps !
In the name of love
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