Re: U2 in the US in March?!? What!? I want to know too!
Souk/Shary ([email protected])
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 14:00:10 -0800
Yes, since I'll be at work and can't read WIRE, please, if anyone hears confirmation that they'll be
in the U.S. in March, especially if it's during the week of St. Patricks day, PLEASE let me know at
[email protected] Another Wireling and I just bought tickets to Ireland to be there for
that week (Mar 15-23). This would be the worst kind of irony if they come to the U.S. for St.
Patricks day while we went THERE. Alanis may need to add another line to her song...."Made a trip to
Ireland on St. Patricks day, scoped Temple Bar but they were in the U.S.A..." ~Shary the travel
agent U2 bumper sticker womanchild
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