Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame!

[email protected]
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 13:47:05 EST


That is the sign on the outside of Cleveland's Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame
museum that I visited over the holiday vacation. It was the highlight of my
trip to see my family! :-)

They are having a special Elvis exhibit - two floors actually, in cooperation
with Graceland and for Elvis' birthday. Lots of cool stuff, even one of his
motorcycles! I forgot to find out if Larry's bum had graced that one! (Sorry!)

There are soo many cool things at this museum, I want to go back. I spent
about 3 hours, and still didn't see half the stuff there. Movies, interactive
video screens, memorabilia, posters, tour costumes (a real Bono Fly suit!),
instruments, much stuff.There are 3 trabant cars from the Zoo
tour hanging in the lobby! There is even a U2 exhibit, with the following

1. an old Larry Mullen Jr. drum
2. a 1979 poster, with the Virgin Prunes opening
3. the 1st U2 t-shirt
4. one of Bono's first guitars
5. Letters of rejection from Arista and RSO Ltd
6. The Ocean lyrics
7. set list from 1980
8. a note from Edge to Larry, 1982. It said: "We have already gone to
practice. Please follow us as soon as possible. We really need to rehearse!!
Lots of love - Edge" (is that cute or what? :-))
9. backstage passes
10. single sleeves: U2-3, A Day without Me, I will follow
There were also posters and postcards, about 25 items. Definitely worth

I checked out the web site, which is pretty cool, and found

"Carpenters install structural framework around the towering screens in
the new Hall of Fame space. (Photo by Neal Hamilton)

Dreamchaser Productions, the Dublin, Ireland-based film company best
known for their work on U2�s Zoo TV and Pop Mart tours, delivered on
their promise to create a film "with attitude--probably bad attitude."
Projected on three 20-foot-tall screens that tower above visitors in the
dramatic new space, hyperactive film segments averaging two minutes
apiece pay tribute to each of the classes of artists who have been
inducted since the Hall of Fame began bestowing the honor in 1986. The
three screens, set in an arc formation against the circular interior
walls of the new Hall of Fame, are used as a whole at times and as
individual screens at times, creating an aggressive visual environment
underscored by a soundtrack featuring the work of each class of

This film is fascinating, but I didn't know that Dreamchasers had created it!

Anyone else been to the Hall? By the way, Cleveland rocks! (Yeah, it's my
hometown! hehe)

Love and Lemons,

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