Re: Shirley Manson (was Dublin News)

[email protected]
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:19:13 EST

<<Unless of course there's some record of her talking up The Smashing
Pumpkins and Aerosmith and Journey - just as ticket sales for Chicago,
�Boston and San Francisco came about. :P <g> >>

Ya know. Now that I think about it ... The Tampa show didn't sell out, I
guess we have no bands here who are worthy of a claim to fame. Maybe they
should have gone to Orlando (excuse me if they did). At least they have
Matchbox 20 and 'Nsync to flatter ...

okay, so it's early and I am quite cranky without my morning 32 oz Coke
Slurpee. At least I am trying.

I wonder, if that's the way it really works (getting people to like you and
come to your shows), who does U2 talk up? Boyzone? eghhad!

(for the silly people who don't get it ... just don't even reply -- you don't
get it ... got it?)

But really ... David I love reading the Dublin news. and since we are finally
having winter here in Florida (a beautiful 45 degrees -- eat your heart out
North Dakota), it's almost like I am there. Except for the fact that the
temperature is the only thing Florida has in common with Ireland. Well, both
are green, but that would be it. I guess.

Anywhose ...

Shannon Carey-Thorpe

Adam, you know ... if you get too cold,
you can always come to Florida.
you know who. ;)

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