Re: Shirley Manson (was Dublin News)
PATTY CULLITON ([email protected])
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 09:13:02, -0500
Dave said:
>>(that Shirley Manson said) .."not a day has gone by in years where
i haven't listened to October" .................very admirable
Shirley, wouldn't have anything to do with slow sales for your
upcoming Dublin concert would it?<<
I would doubt that it would have anything to do with their Dublin
ticket sales, since she's been saying for years how much she loves U2.
I'm no fan of Garbage (though I don't dislike them either). But I
know that when one of my friends got to meet and speak with her that
the subject turned to U2 and she said "Bono is a god." LOL. I
think it also appeared in some other intv'w before that she called
Bono "a god in a black leather jacket." So, no, I don't think she
would have started on this kick month ago just in order to pump up
the sales of her Dublin concert tickets.
Unless of course there's some record of her talking up The Smashing
Pumpkins and Aerosmith and Journey - just as ticket sales for Chicago,
Boston and San Francisco came about. :P <g>
ITNOL, Patty
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