re: Rattle and Hum CD-i (not DVD)

Ariston Eschaton ([email protected])
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 01:20:38 +0000

achtung y'owl!

From: One Bad Mofo <[email protected]>

>A few years ago Phillips released movies in CD-i format, one of them
>was Rattle and Hum. It's in the MPEG file format on two CDs -- it
>sounds great and looks good as well!

I know - ive got it! :) I had to order it though - took about a week
to arrive, but i got it.. and its allll miiiiiiiiiiiineee... :)

>Unfortunately it's not the widescreen version.

oh. big sounds of me sobbing here.. :) hehehe.. its a great disc.
quit complainin' :) hehehe..

>I'm actually looking for anyone else who has this and has been able to
>record it using a sound editor. I'm looking to record the sound as
>wavs (then mp3).

yuk. why would you want to? its already been compressed with MP2!
suppose you could do if you really wanted to - youre best best,
quality wise would be to decode the .DAT MPEG-2 AV stream, and split
out the audio and video components, and re-encode the audio tracks
as MP3. - id expect youd get a quality drop though.

Failing that, then i suppose the "easy" way would be to play it on
one PC, and sample the sound output from one soundcard, and feed it
directly into the LINE-IN of a 2nd PC re-sampling it?

if you want to go via the software approach, try using Xing's
MPEGEncoder V2.20 - i think this will do what you want.
try for a fully working demo version of the s'ware.

its around.. oo.... 3Mb? give thata spin - ya get 30 days.
(theres a crack to break the restriction if you "need more time" ;) )

(ps: even if you dont use if for decoding, its bloody fast at MP3


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