touched by the U2 fairy

Birdwell ([email protected])
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 01:14:34 -0500

Hello Wireland,

Thanks for all the reponses I got concerning that SBS single release. I
listened closer to it this morning and realised that the lyrics for New
Years Day are completely and utterly different. The base melody and chorus
are the same as traditional, but the single version has a slow introduction,
reeeaally pretty, more violins and like, then it leads into the orginal
quicker paced melody, and as I said the lyrics are different. I know it was
a special release, thanks Teresa!, for Austria...perhaps it had a special
meaning for that country or...perhaps Bono was just playing around. Do
these lyrics sound familair to any one...i.e. perhaps heard them in concert?
(Oh and as a fore note, yes I know the song is addressing the Polish
Solidarity movement...and this version addresses this actually clearer...the
idea of being trapped and not being able to be with the one you love...a
more personal touch if you will)

New Year's Day (SBS single maxi single)

You won't hold me, hold me down
You won't break this up
I--I will be free again
Stone cold nights on a cold stone floor
A cross of lights on a prison door
I want to be with you,
be with you night and day

I will begin again
I will begin again

Through I want to be with you
Be with you night and day
Nothing changes---
On New Year's Day
On New Year's Day

wonderfully orchestrated song...nifty guitar effects inter-spliced too. The
end is very just stops...pow "On New Year's Day."...unlike
the album version which slowly fades out. It's about a minute shorter than
the original.

oh, and Two hearts Beat as One is also switched around a bit...but not as
drastically as NYD...

I definately have been touched by the u2 if only I was wacked by
this wonderful fairy I could find myself in Dublin!

love and cabbages,

Come Visit us! The Dublin Meatpackers!
(a much altered site....)

you can swallow, or you can spit, or you can just fucking duck!

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