Drums in Please!!

Doug Johnston ([email protected])
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 12:09:11 -0800 (PST)

Maybe this has already been mentioned, but I noticed something interesting
with the drums in Please (live version only). Right around the time when
Bono starts singing "October....", Larry starts this new drum line that
sounds exactly like what he plays for the intro to Sunday Bloody Sunday!!!
Now, some outsider might naively think that he's just being unoriginal,
but that's clearly not the case. Since Sunday Bloody Sunday and Please
both have the same anti-war/peace in Ireland theme, I thought it was kinda
cool that Larry chose to kinda bridge the gap between the two songs!! And
all while Bono's singing "October"!!!!!! Coincidence?!? ....I think not!

...reading too much into things


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