Re: Dublin News....

Lucy In The Sky With Lemons ([email protected])
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 13:51:27 -0700

Thank you for the description. It is pretty darned accurate!
Ninety-seven percent of the time the weather in Ireland is 53 degrees
and raining. And the rest of the time it's 35 degrees and slushy.
The only thing my husband doesn't miss about Ireland is the horrible
weather--and the place where we now live had about 37 feet of snow a couple
of years ago. (Well, o.k., not quite that much) :o)

slushy, shivery, biting winds. yum.
The last time I was there it went like this for 3 blessed months----
"drizzle. stop. drizzle. stop. drizzle. stop.drizzle. stop.drizzle......."
And it was summer! I think I saw the sun peak through once, but it
may just have been a cloud-induced hallucination. And believe me,
the sheep floating down the river didn't help matters any!

For a really great review of Irish weather go to
Whoever writes it must realize that there are things in this life we
have to laugh about--if we didn't we'd cry far too much.

Happy New Year everyone!

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