[email protected]
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 09:29:41 -0700 (MST)
I was wondering- I remember there was some talk of breaking the first
minute-plus into it own track for the song Zooropa, calling it "Babble".
Is this the official name of it, or was that scrapped?
This is kinda related to copies of Boy that I've seen- No sight of "An Cat
Dubh" anywhere, it was just incorporated into Into the Heart.
Thanks for your help (whoever you are)!
P.S. It is better to be truthful and good...than to not.
"It's like, you know, it's like a Hitchcock movie, where,
you know, you're thrown into a rubber bag, and put in
the trunk of a car." -Corky St. Clair, on finding people.
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