RE: that "I hate U2" web site

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Wed, 06 Jan 1999 22:51:34 -0800

> kimiko percival ([email protected])
> Actually this page has been there for a long time and hasn't been
> updated in close to a year. I doubt whoever created is going to delete
> it so it's going to be there for longer. Nothing anyone can really do
> ther person likes the reaction he gets from this.
> Kimiko

If it's the one I remember, it's been around for at least a
couple of years. If I remember correctly, the owner is
some guy that's a high school teacher. Don't try to e-mail
him or anything. It does no good. Your right, he only does
it for the reaction and attention he ocassionally gets when
a U2 fan comes across it. Pathetic.


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