a man(?) called Howie B

Scaboroth ([email protected])
Wed, 6 Jan 1999 18:47:51 -0800 (PST)

Lately I've been following the career of a certain individual who
falls under the name of Howie B, and all his recent pursuits. I know
he worked with U2 in producing "pop" getting the boys up to date with
this newfangled drum-n-bass movement (or whatever it is these crazy
kids call it), and someone also told me that he joined them for
PopMart as their DJ. Does anyone have any knowledge about this? Like
perhaps what exactly his job on PopMart was? Did he just help to get
the levels right from the booth, or did he actually contribute to some
of the music, or what? Also, I want to know when he quit the tour and
under what circumstances. If anyone has any theories or ideas that's
great (but I have those too) so any direct information would be most
ideal to be had.

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