Too much is not enough

Yasmine * ([email protected])
Wed, 06 Jan 1999 03:31:43 PST

If anyone out there is familiar with a british band called Catherine
Wheel, you might have noticed that in one of the songs on their 1993,
"Chrome" album, the singer repeats the line "Too much is not enough"
about 5 times!! Now this CD was released in '93 as was Zooropa, so I'm
wondering.......Who said it first????!! If anyone could offer any
insight into this, it would be greatly appreciated!

Yasmine* thinks: U2 is so original...
i don't think they would copy some line from some obscure
band...Catherine Wheel ( or whatever) must have copied our U2...
i mean , c'mon, who wouldn't want a little line from a U2 song in
But I could be wrong... Just encouraging U2 ya know?

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