The weirdest U2 related Thing...

lucilla zaidenberg ([email protected])
Wed, 06 Jan 1999 03:00:41 PST

And finnaly, for my third posting of the day, something that happened to
me last week and I forgot to tell..
I was in the supermarket, looking for cherry jam (my favourite). But
they were remodelling the place and it was an awful mess in there...
When I finally found the jam shelf, all the jars were mixed, and there
was no cherry jam to be seen in the front row... In the back all the
jars had the same lid... But I wanted *cherry* jam so much that I began
to sing a line out of Walk To The Water: "Your lips were cherry red,
your legs crossed, arms wide open"... And almost without thinking I
stretched my hand and picked a jar at random from the middle... When I
looked at it I almost dropped it: It WAS cherry jam!
All my love,

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