another question about u2 stuff

Mofogirl ([email protected])
Mon, 4 Jan 1999 23:05:45 -0700

I must be getting on a lot of your nerves. I am now requesting information
about something called the Achtung Baby singles collection. For anyone who
owns this, is it worth $40US? What exactly is in it? Again, any info would
be greatly appreciated because this guy is holding it on reserve for me.

Also, I think it was yesterday someone posted about how bad Larry's lip
synching was in the sweetest thing & numb videos. I am sure that was
intentional. We all know what Larry was like and Kevin Godley, who directed
both videos, probably told Larry to lip synch and I'm sure he was just
thrilled about doing that.


Call to me
No one is listening
I'm waiting to hear from you love
Bono & Gavin: In the name of the father

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