Re: seconds

[email protected]
Mon, 4 Jan 1999 17:16:16 -0700 (MST)

Dan and all,

Good question. I USED to have it, and I'll look for it again. If you get
it, PLEASE send it my way. Some of the lines include (as I recall):

In an apartment on Times square
        (In a low rent on Times Square)
You can assemble them anywhere
        (I tried to build them)
held to ransom, hell to pay
        (held to ransom, hell to pay)
revolution everyday
USSR, DDR, London, New York, Peking
        (It's the IRA that supports the war)

I beLIEve these are pretty much right. PLEASE send them if you hear
something different.


P.S. It is better to be truthful and good...than to not.

"It's like, you know, it's like a Hitchcock movie, where,
you know, you're thrown into a rubber bag, and put in
the trunk of a car." -Corky St. Clair, on finding people.

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