Who needs bathrooms? ([email protected])
Fri, 25 Dec 1998 15:57:04 -0700
> Hey, Matt,
> Go to hell, you putz!
Settle down Joeseph -- Matt's stating an opinion. Everything else you
wrote in your post was more than likely lost because of a stupid flame.
<tonne of stuff snipped>
As an outsider on this whole issue(I'm a Canadian -- our politicians
don't cheat with interns--they just gas peaceful protesters.), I think
it's safe to say that the US Government has become the laughing stock
of the world.
Okay, let's back up here...We have a sitting President who got a hummer
from a Whitehouse staffer. We also have a bunch of middle-aged,
holier-than-thou Congresspersons and Senators who _think_ they have
nothing better to do than delve into the President's personal life.
Somewhere along the way, running one of the world's largest economies
has been lost.
Let's get to the point. The President did have an affair... No, a
RELATIONSHIP with Monica Lewinsky. And...he lied about it. Yes, he
_lied about it_.
Show me ONE person who believes that oral-sex doesn't constitute a
sexual relationship, and I'll show you a Star Trek fan :) (joking!)...
Now, his lie might not meet the LEGAL definition of perjury, but it
damn sure did in many people's minds constitute a breach of trust and
a bald-faced lie -- including Matt's and mine.
(Matt -- you're thinking like me. That's scary. Stop it. NOW. :D )
He stood up in January(maybe it was early February) and shook his
finger and loudly exclaimed, "I _did not_ have sexual relations with
that woman."
Oh, come on... Then tell me, what the hell am I paying all those porn
sites for? :)
Matt's point is quite simple -- and not as easily dismissable as some
like to think. The question he posed is _not_ is Clinton guilty. It
is _not_ should Clinton be impeached and removed from the Office of
the President of The United States.
Matt simply asked, "I would like to know if Bono believes it's OK for national
leaders to disregard the law."
Matt is asking whether or not Bono knew the facts and the situation
before he made his comments to Rolling Stone. The answer to Matt's
first question is obvious : No. Bono doesn't believe it to be OK for
national leaders to disregard the law. (I don't have to explicitly ask
Bono -- I think we could all agree on the answer given his "political
As for the second, well, we would probably have to ask Bono about that.
BUT. The question _I_ would pose to Bono is whether or not he believes
that _all_ world leaders are truthful. Again, I would argue that his
answer would be NO. We all can think of cases where leaders have gone
back on their word. Anyone remember the video to the Van Hagar song
"Right Now"? There's those words displayed on the screen -- "Right
Now Your Government Is Doing Something It Doesn't Want You To Know
(Gawd, here comes the talk about the "Black Helicopters" again...)
Honesty, like everything else in politics, is subjective. The last
President, George Bush, lied about raising taxes -- but, he didn't do
it in a legal proceeding. The President before that lied(by many
accounts) about giving arms to Iran and diverting the proceeds to the
Contras in Central America. Carter lied about his brother Billy being
the offspring of two humans :).
They've all lied -- but the difference in Clinton's case is that, again,
he did it before a legal proceeding. And having done that, what does
that say about the legal system of the United States? Where does that
leave the peoples of the United States -- As Matt said "If it's OK for
the president to lie under oath, why isn't it OK for the rest of us?"
(Of course, I assume that Clinton could be tried for perjury for his
comments -- which is unlikely...)
Just as a further note:
Would I support Clinton if he could run again(and if I could vote)?
Yes. _Undoubtedly_. Would I trust him the next time he discusses his
PRIVATE life? No.
I am also fully aware that there are other articles against him(four
in all), which also discuss things like witness tampering and other
more SERIOUS (IMHO, of course) crimes. These, unfortunately, seem to
be lost in the mix...
-- Prarit....[email protected] U2 news: http://www.members.home.net/u2-news/u2.html U2 NEWS is MOVING -- AGAIN!!!!
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