Paul Andersen ([email protected])
Thu, 24 Dec 1998 09:48:48 -0600
Bono is dead-on-right when he says this case is about sex. Right-wing
Republicans *hate* Bill Clinton. They have hated him from the day he took
office, because to them he represents everything that went "wrong" in the
1960's: "free love," libertine attitudes about drug use, avoiding the
draft, civil rights, feminism, gay rights, etc. ad infinitum.
Republicans set a perjury trap with this case, and while I admit that lying
under oath in a court of law is despicable, I can fully understand
Clinton's motivations. It's called the human factor, something about which
U2 know a lot.
It simply does not rise to the level of "high crimes and midemeanors."
Bombing Cambodia and lying about it; using the CIA and FBI to spy on
citizens; mining Nicaragua's harbors; calling AIDS God's retribution for
gays; selling arms to Iran and using the money to illegally fund the
Contras, against stated law. Now those *are* impeachable offenses.
You see, those are impeachable because they do grave harm to the nation and
the institution of government. They are official lies. Clinton's case is
about sex, about blowjobs near the Oval Office with a woman half his age.
Any rational sane person would lie about that, even in a court of law.
So, Matt, get off your high horse and come back down among the rest of us.
The world ain't perfect. Or I suppose you could continue along the lines
"I'm only hangin on to watch you go down...."
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