Paul Andersen ([email protected])
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 21:58:33 -0600
Guess what folks? People in other nation's have informed opinions about
the USA. I suppose the author had serious problems with Joshua Tree and
Rattle & Hum as well; after all, how could Irish people possibly even begin
to understand the vast intricacies of "American" music and the "American"
experience. Give me a break.
>From my perspective, Europeans -- and for that matter, peoples from across
the globe -- have a dead-on interpretation of this saga: Much ado about
nothing. Only in the USA is consensual sex and lying to cover it up
elevated to the level of an epic.
Bono has every right to express his opinion on the matter. True, perhaps
they are not intimate friends, but in reality, how many intimate friends do
*stars* have? We can't begin to figure that one out, unless we are *stars*
ourselves. He obviously likes the President, much the way I like the
President, so he has every right to defend him as I defend him. He lied.
People lie about sex every day. GET OVER IT!!!
Perhaps the author of the post should take his own advice, so freely given
to Bono: keep your opinion to yourself. I can read drivel from the
Republican National Committee simply by picking up the newspaper.
Season's Greetings,
PS As I write this 43 million Americans do not have any form of health
insurance. And won't as long as this tragedy goes on. Think about it.
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