Re: stop flaming me!

Robbie Robinson ([email protected])
Sun, 20 Dec 1998 21:31:34 -0800

> -- [ From: Patricia Hefner * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --
> I'm getting flamed for my Clinton post. Maybe it's natural to get
> flamed
> for such an emotional and controversial issue, but I don't think
> "natural" is necessarily an excuse to break Internet Netiquette and
> jump
> all over someone just because you don't agree with them. Honestly, one
> more flame and I quit Wire.
> Pax,
> Patricia

Don't quit Wire, just delete the flamin' jerks.
Yours is about the only post related to
this unbelievably stupid situation the
government has gotten us into that indicated
any really deep thought about what's going on
and what the long range effect could be.
Most of them seem to be regurgitating whatever
the ultraconservatives and/or the Evil Christian
Coalition has been pumping throught the media
for the past year. (or maybe just their parent's
A little something to have nightmares about and
make you think about living in Canada:)
Many dictators have been put into power
by right-wing, nationalistic political parties that
have close ties to fundamentalist religous groups.
Scary program on radio today talked about how
this could be the beginning of the end of represenative
democracy in America.

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