uplifting U2 songs....
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 20:40:13 -0600 (CST)
I've been wondering, since the new album is supposedly going to try to
produce 'joy' in the listener, what most people think are the most
uplifting, or joyous, of U2's past songs? It would seem very difficult to
produce an album conjuring only 'joy' without sounding totally ridiculous,
like, you know, some Sesame Street tune. Does 'joy' imply bittersweet? If
so, then many U2 songs are like that. 'Pride' and 'Streets' are two good
examples. There's a surreal giddiness to much of the Zooropa album that's
somewhere along the lines of 'joy,' in a deranged sort of way. But if
they're going for absolute 'joy' I really don't know how they're going to do
it. What would it sound like? What would the lyrics be like? Does anybody know?
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