(In)appropriate U2 Obsession?

David Way ([email protected])
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 16:34:12 PST

Fellow Wirelings,

    I just have a curiosity that must be satified right now. This
question is more directed to North American and UK Wirelings than anyone
else, but did anybody have an overwhelming desire to listen to "War"
when you found out about the bombing of Iraq yet again? (Please forgive
me if this seems like inappropriate black humour - unfortunately, that
matches my true melancholic nature - hmmm...that's an etymological pun,
isn't it?)
    The weird thing is that I'm getting a cathartic release while I'm
listening to it. I'm going to continue my "treatment" by listening to
"The Joshua Tree" next (I don't think I need to explain why).

    "How long must we sing this song?", indeed.

Sardonically yours,

David Way

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